Vikings in the USA, Leif Ericson and the Axe Factor

Viking Longship

Outside Hallgrímskirkja, Reykjavik’s Lutheran Cathedral, is a statue of Leifur Eiriksson who was an Icelander born about 970 and who explored the oceans and the lands west of Iceland, establishing colonies in Greenland and Newfoundland and who according to legend reached America long before Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucchi.

The statue was a gift from the American Government in 1930 to mark Iceland’s 1,000th anniversary and in the United States October 9th is commemorated as Leif Ericson Day.  The date is not associated with any particular event in Leif Erikson’s life, it was chosen because the ship Restauration sailing from Stavanger in Norway, arrived in New York Harbour on October 9th 1825 at the start of the first organized immigration from Norway to the United States.

We found the monument and it struck me as rather strange for an Anglo-Saxon to be visiting a monument that commemorates the Vikings and a possible starting off point for long ships full of heathen bullies on their way to the British Isles to rape and pillage a part of England where I now live.

Lief Ericson Reyjkavik Iceland

The Vikings were Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe and the North Atlantic from the late eighth to the mid eleventh century.  These Norsemen used their famous long ships to travel as far east as Russia, as far west as Newfoundland and as far south as modern Spain in a period known (not very imaginatively) as the Viking Age.

Whilst we tend to retain the school boy image of them it actually becomes increasingly evident that Viking society was quite complex and popular conceptions of them are often in conflict with the truth that emerges from archaeology and modern research.  A romanticized picture of Vikings as noble savages began to take root in the eighteenth century and this developed and became widely embellished for over a hundred years.

The traditional view of the Vikings as violent brutes and intrepid adventurers is part true, part fable and part exaggeration and although if these guys paid a visit it is probably true to say that you probably wouldn’t want to put a welcome mat by the front door or get the best china out, no one can be absolutely sure of the accurate ratio of good and bad and popular representations of these men in horned helmets remain for now highly clichéd.

But now it seems historical revisionism has gone too far for some people  especially for Professor Simon Keynes, an Anglo-Saxon historian at Cambridge University – ‘There’s no question how nasty, unpleasant and brutish they were. They did all that the Vikings were reputed to have done.’

They stole anything they could. Churches were repositories of treasure to loot. They took cattle, money and food. It’s likely they carried off women, too, he says. ‘They’d burn down settlements and leave a trail of destruction.’ It was unprovoked aggression. And unlike most armies, they came by sea, their narrow-bottomed longships allowing them to travel up rivers and take settlements by surprise. It was maritime blitzkrieg at first.’

It is now widely believed that Norsemen from Greenland and Iceland were the first Europeans to reach North America in what is today Newfoundland in Canada when Leif Ericson reached the Continent via Norse settlements in Greenland around the year 1000.  Nearly a thousand years later many Norwegian immigrants went to the United States primarily in the second half of the nineteenth and the first few decades of the twentieth century.

According to the most recent United States census there are more than four and a half million Norwegian Americans and most live in the Upper Midwest and currently comprise the tenth largest American ancestry group. In Minnesota, nearly a million claim Norwegian ancestry, 16.5% of the population of the State.

No wonder then that in professional football the team from Minneapolis was officially named the Minnesota Vikings on September 27th1960 a name that is meant to reflect Minnesota’s importance as a centre of Scandinavian American culture.

The association between Vikings and sport is not surprising because physical strength, speed, resilience and endurance were important qualities for a Viking. As in the USA, England has its own Vikings with the Widnes Vikings Rugby League Football Club.  Widnes was one of the original twenty-two rugby clubs that formed the Northern Rugby Football Union in 1895, making them one of the world’s first rugby league teams.


It probably also explains why Norway features at World Showcase at EPCOT in Disney World in Florida.

In actual fact however there is no real evidence that Ericson actually discovered America at all  and rather curiously his statue in Reykjavik faces east as though gazing back to the Old World of Scandinavia rather than the New World of America.

Today he looked out over Viking skies full of Icelandic drama with mountainous clouds as big and as grey as a medieval cathedral that closed around the city like a soggy cloak.

Steinunn first Icelandic cSettler

17 responses to “Vikings in the USA, Leif Ericson and the Axe Factor

  1. Great post. I grew up in Minnesota and the small town I lived had many Scandihoovians, as those of us with no Norwegian or Swedish blood liked to say. There is a generally debunked legend that Vikings arrived in Minnesota in 1362, based on an inscription on the Kensington Runestone, which was found in 1898 in central Minnesota. The city of Alexandria has a giant Viking, Ole, as an attraction. 🙂


  2. I remember being told at university that the Vikings were as big a threat to Western civilisation as there has ever been. He used the analogy of a great fierce wolf, circling round Europe and snatching and killing whatever it spotted as it went.


  3. I love visiting the Viking Centre in York.


  4. Evidence, as said, seems to be lacking for Ericson. But then, so is the possible landing in the New World of St. Brendan, 500 years earlier. Maybe a few hardy guys, thousands of years back, may have made the journey as well. Paraphrasing Kerouac, “We don’t know and it doesn’t make any difference'”. Just enjoy.


  5. I’ve more than a few drops of that Viking blood in me as my DNA shows, Andrew. It might very well have come from the raping and pillaging. 🙂 Or maybe my ancestors of ever so long ago were in on it.
    My grandfather’s brother, Edison Marshall, wrote a book about the Vikings and how they made their way West that was turned into a popular movie titled “The Vikings” in the 50s starring the likes of Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis. ‘Uncle Eddy’s’ book was my first introduction to the the Vikings as a young person. It was one of my early influences that pushed me toward wandering.
    Thanks for your well thought out blog. Good work! –Curt


    • Coming from the East of England we a have certain mixed heritage Curt and there is sure to be some Viking in there somewhere!

      Your Viking blood certainly explains your adventures!

      The Vikings has always been one of my favourite films and never miss it when it is repeated. My attention is always drawn to Tony Curtis’ left arm which remains curiously as long as his right arm even after his hand has been cut off! I guess cinema special effects were just not as good sixty years ago.


      • Laughing. Now I am going to have to get my copy of the movie out and re-watch it so I can recheck Curtis’ left arm.
        A while back I initiated an effort to discourage the movie industry from glamorizing tobacco use in movies aimed at kids. Eventually, the movement went international and gradually it has had an impact. But my point is, I designed a system for reviewing movies to measure tobacco content and message. And I reviewed hundreds of movies with real attention to detail. I saw lots of instances where mistakes had been made, and came to realize how incredibly difficult it must be to make all of the cuts and retakes they do and recapture the scene exactly. This is different that Curtis’ arm, but you comment triggered the memory. –Curt


      • I cannot recall tobacco smoking in ‘The Vikings! I have to say


      • Think you are right, Andrew. 🙂


  6. I sometimes think that our desire to be nice to everyone does tend to make the whitewashing of history a bit of a trend.


  7. Great post – an excellent read!


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