It’s Nice to Feel Useful (1)


It’s nice to feel useful…

I saw someone else do this the other day and I thought it was a good idea.  I have looked at my statistics for the last month and selected my favourite ten Search Engine terms that brought people to my blog.  I have set them out here together with a link to the appropriate page…

Two searches about Ryanair:

Ryanair over the Alps

“Do Ryanair planes have televisions?”  and “How big are Ryanair seat belts?”

I have addressed these and other budget airline issues in my post Travel Tips When Flying Budget Airlines – Believe me these people are going to be really disappointed when they get the answers!

“Why is alcohol so expensive in Norway” – Travelling to Norway can really come as a massive shock to the wallet and I explained all about this in my post – Norway, Europe’s Most Expensive Country

Old Benidorm

Theses were some other enquiries that I was able to help with…

“Benidorm zaragoza street plan 1950”Benidorm, Plan General de Ordenación

“Obese people in speedos”Speedo Swim Wear

“How high is Mount Vesuvius”Sorrento, Mount Vesuvius – Living on the Edge – I feel like Wikipedia now and to save you having to look it up it is just about one thousand three hundred metres!

“What is appropriate attire for tea with the Queen”Royal Garden Party – Of course I know the answer to this one, I once got an invite to the Royal Garden Party and had a lovely afternoon in the garden of Buckingham Palace.!

“Driftwood boat makers” –  Corfu, The Boat Souvenir

I have saved my real favourites for last and to be honest I have no idea at all where this search led people to on my blog pages:

“Where can you buy a travel kettle in malta”

“Alaska giant vegetables”  I did wonder if this was an American Football Team or Baseball perhaps but my research has so far thrown up nothing useful!

Corfu Boat Souvenir

17 responses to “It’s Nice to Feel Useful (1)

  1. Hahaha alaska giant vegetables. How funny! I love this idea. I may have to do it at some point. I do it sometimes undercover. I have a post called “Magic Words for Moving Things” and it is based on the fact that quite a few people have searched for my blog using those words…it is rather strange.


  2. Nice post, Andrew!

    Someone found my blog by searching ‘Buildings that look like penises.’ I hope they found what they were looking for!


  3. Interesting. I immediately went to take a peek at my search engine terms and interestingly all the terms were related to Russia. One anomaly but a nice one – “sometimes we forget to smile due to our harsh environment”, hmm…


  4. I’m going to have to look at my search engine terms now, on the subject of travel kettles I was amused by the following comment on trip advisor ‘the hotel has no tea or coffee making facilities, no trouble for us as we bring our own’, blimey I’m lucky if I pack a spare of socks!


  5. Loved this, Andrew. I have enjoyed your blog ever since I started following your “exploits “


  6. I love the weird searches I get – there are a lot related to 1950s stockings (as I did a post about the Goodwood Revival vintage event) and I’ve have 5 searches for ‘pics of ducks in ponds’ in the last few weeks, and I don’t even have any!


  7. Two of my favorites:
    Venice “a rain jacket” Search term used 3 times!
    foto liburan key London with girl frends(sp) x 2 I don’t even know what language the first 2 words are in 🙂

    Fun post, Andrew!


  8. About the only interesting one I have is ‘catbites on sexy feet’. All the others are extremely boring and predictable.

    I did get ‘Rachel Weisz earrings in bourne legacy’ recently. Was she wearing earrings I wonder? I never noticed.


  9. what strange things people do write


  10. Guess I should be checking my stats and doing something about them, huh?


  11. What a fun post. Love the “where can one buy a travel kettle in Malta?”


  12. Great idea, I might pinch it in the future! I love seeing search terms in my stats for queries that my blog can actually help almost as much as the totally random ones. 🙂


  13. Pingback: It’s Nice To Feel Useful (7) | Have Bag, Will Travel

  14. Pingback: It’s Nice To Feel Useful (9) | Have Bag, Will Travel

  15. Pingback: It’s Nice to Feel Useful (11) | Have Bag, Will Travel

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