Elves, Elvis and Huldufólk of Iceland

Huldufólk Iceland

“This is a land where the wind can knock you off your feet, where the smell of sulphur from your taps tells you there is invisible fire not far below your feet….Everyone is aware that the land is alive, and one can say that the stories of hidden people and the need to work carefully with them reflects an understanding that the land demands respect”.

Terry Gunnell,  Folklore Professor at the University of Iceland

Elf Houses 1

Sightings of Elves are like sightings of Elvis – frequently reported but never confirmed!


In a land of fire and ice, a wild and magical place, where the fog-shrouded lava fields offer a spooky landscape it is possible that anything out of the ordinary is possible and stories abound about the “hidden folk”.

Hidden people are special In Iceland and it is said often appear in the dreams of Icelanders but if you ask me that could just be the result of too much home-brew.

They are usually described as wearing nineteenth century Icelandic clothing, and are often portrayed as traditionally wearing green.  One of Iceland’s most famous people, the singer Björk was asked one time in an interview on US TV if people in her country believed in Elves; she explained. “We do….It’s sort of a relationship with nature, like with the rocks. (The elves) all live in the rocks, so you have to. It’s all about respect, you know.”


We stopped now and then to photograph the real people houses and I reminded everyone to be careful where they walked in case they stepped on one of these tiny alternative inhabitants because Icelanders prefer big people to be careful and even frown upon the throwing of stones in case you inadvertently hit one of these small invisible folk and injure them.

These are the thousands of elves who make their homes in Iceland’s wilderness and coexist alongside the 320,000 or so Icelandic humans.  Iceland is not alone in this and Scandinavian folklore in general is full of elves, trolls and other mythological characters. Most people in Norway, Denmark and Sweden haven’t taken them seriously for several years now but elves are no joke to many in Iceland and in a survey conducted by the University of Iceland in 2007 it found that sixty-two percent of the respondents thought it was at least possible that they exist.

icelanders believe in elves

Even previous President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson seemed taken in by this and explained the existence of Huldufólk tales by saying: “Icelanders are few in number, so in the old times we doubled our population with tales of elves and fairies.”

Huldufólk are believed to live close to humans and are often blamed when things go missing rather like the plot of the 1952 book ‘The Borrowers’ by the English author Mary Norton.

“…Borrower’s don’t steal.”
“Except from human beings,” said the boy.
Arrietty burst out laughing; she laughed so much that she had to hide her face …. “Oh dear,” she gasped with tears in her eyes, “you are funny!” She stared upward at his puzzled face. “Human beans are for Borrowers – like bread’s for butter!” 

To illustrate how seriously Icelanders take the issue of elves in 1982 a delegation of Icelanders went to the NATO base in Keflavík to look for “elves who might be endangered by American Phantom jets” and in 2004, Alcoa (the World’s third largest producer of aluminium) had to have a government expert certify that their chosen building location was free of archaeological sites, including ones related to Huldufólk folklore, before they could build an aluminium smelter in the country.

Huldufólk House Iceland

More recently Elf protectors have joined forces with environmentalists to urge the Icelandic Road and Coastal Commission and local authorities to abandon a highway project because it might disturb them and their homes. The proposed highway would offer a direct route from the Alftanes peninsula where we had been earlier this morning to the capital Reykjavik but the project has been halted until the Supreme Court of Iceland rules on the case.  The activists cite a cultural and environmental impact – including the plight of the elves – as a reason for regularly gathering hundreds of people to block workers from bulldozing the area.


And it’s not the first time issues about the Huldufolk have affected planning decisions. They occur so often that the road and coastal administration has come up with a stock media response for elf inquiries, which states that “issues have been settled by delaying the construction project at a certain point while the elves living there have supposedly moved on.”  

Huldufólk Iceland

Apparently there have been quite a few noticeable instances of construction projects being postponed for fear of building on land occupied by hidden people and a medium is often called in to negotiate with the elves to ask their permission to build.

As we drove the final few kilometres I kept a careful eye out for any signs of the elves but of course this was pointless because you can’t see them unless they feel like showing themselves to you so all I could imagine was – where they watching us as we approached the spiritual heartland of Iceland at Þingvellir?

Iceland Reykjavik Huldufolk

Elf Houses

45 responses to “Elves, Elvis and Huldufólk of Iceland

  1. Absolutely! You can’t turn a hair without those elves clocking you 🙂 🙂 Love the Watch out for the Elves sign! I’ll have to put some of those diddy houses in our garden and encourage a few of our own. Or maybe that’s not such a good idea… 🙂


  2. I do think there is more to this than simply dismissing it. Every single culture in the world has these little people, and belief in them is much more widespread then we imagine. Similarly, the connection between elves, fairies and UFO people seems to be a very close one, with many of their activities shared in common…stealing things, kidnapping human beings, episodes of missing time, inexplicable lights. Years ago I was very struck by the farmer I was talking to near Helston in Cornwall. He believed in fairies and goblins and had built a 15 foot Christian cross at the entrance to his farm to protect everybody.


  3. What a fascinating article, Andrew. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mention of too much home-brew: when I went in the 1970s, beer was prohibited unless it was disgustingly weak (see Wikipedia: Prohibition in Iceland). Shops still sold home-brew beer kits, but with a notice that it was illegal to put any sugar in.


  5. Elves seem to be just like northern lights or whales then, neither of whom wanted to be seen when I went to Iceland!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the pie chart – 37% of Icelanders think the existence of elves is possible. So interesting!


  7. How could I not have heard a word about elves during my visit to Iceland? That appeals to my sense of whimsy!


  8. LOVED this post. What a welcome relief from the political deluge.


  9. Great post. And here I thought Ireland was alone in its beliefs…


    • I saw a programme on TV where it was suggested that Ireland is trying to shed its image as a land of Leprechauns as it makes them seem backward! Ireland without little people is surely unimaginable! I’ll look out for them when I go later this year.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You better! I don’t think it makes them seem backward at all. I think it adds to the charm and the humor. And it’s hard to visit all the stone circles and dolmens and not think something unusual is happening. Who am I to judge!?

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Wishful thinking or reality. I have no idea. What’s wrong with a little ‘relief’ when time are tough and things go missing. 🙂


  11. Andrew I have read so many articles on Iceland but it was your original series that intrigued me. I have never read another word anywhere about the search for elves and their wee houses.


  12. And there was me thinking Elves lived in the North Pole and helped Santa. I guess Iceland is close enough to the North Pole, though. They’ve not far to travel to get to Santa’s place. I wonder if any Elves blog?


  13. Pingback: A Return Visit to Wroclaw, Poland | Have Bag, Will Travel

  14. How fascinating! While there we forgot about it and have not asked the opinion of any local, for our entertainment.
    It seems so ingrained in their culture if they even stop road construction for that. Love the post! Thanks.


  15. Pingback: Thursday Doors – The Elf Houses of Iceland | Have Bag, Will Travel

  16. Have you ever been to the Isle-of-Man?
    We spent a few long summers across there when my girls were young.
    The folklore is strong on here, just like the ‘Force’ you can feel it all around, and woe betides you if you cross Fairy Bridge and don’t say hello to the fairies! 🧚‍♂️🧚😅


  17. What a fun read! Thanks so much Andrew.


  18. The large percentage of “possible-to-for-sure” elven belief is nothing compared to the US’s numbers for belief in a bearded and white-robed entity somewhere up in the stratosphere . . . I don’t know which is the most . . . the most . . . eh, I better not say.

    Had some extra time on your hands, did you?


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