In The Garden Today – The Acers

One of my favourite garden specimen trees, especially when they first burst into leaf…

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26 responses to “In The Garden Today – The Acers

  1. What delicate leaves! I especially like the photo of the shadows on the fence. A dramatic effect!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Those are rather splendid Andrew.


  3. I have a few and they are my favourite plants in the garden. Always a pleasure to see those first fresh, vibrant leaves.


  4. I’m envious. My two lovely Acers seem to be shrivelling up. I think maybe it’s the wind we’ve had as I can’t think of any other reason.


  5. I do love a god acer!


  6. Nice shots and great shadows.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. They are such lovely shapes, aren’t they? And fragile! 🙂 🙂 So, where will be the first place you go when the curfew lifts?


    • Not sure Jo, I have switched our April flights to September to Gibraltar and we will go to Cadiz and switched June for February 2021 to go to Lisbon.

      These were very cheap flights so it doesn’t matter if we lose them.

      We are not making any new bookings until we see what the state of the travel industry is after all of this.

      What about you?


  8. Quite the collection, Andrew. They are quite pretty trees. I can see why you like them! –Curt


  9. I do love an acer, especially in Autumn! Thank you for a cheering post.


  10. You gave me a new word! I’ve never called them acers before. These are great photos, and yes, I love the shadows too. Such wonderful leaves cast wonderful shadows.


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