Tag Archives: washing Line PegsWashing

Monday Washing Lines – Marrakech in Morocco


Welcome to my new project – Washing Lines

I spotted this one in Marrakech.

There is a real basic pegging out error here. Can you spot it?

Peg sharing! This is when one peg is used to secure two items of washing. It looks sloppy and untidy because in my opinion each item should be hung with two pegs (same colour of course) and completely separate from each other so that they dry properly. I would be ashamed to peg out like that.

It is a Challenge. Feel Free to join in.

Monday Washing Lines – Fes, Morocco

Welcome to my new project – Washing Lines

This one I spotted in the Moroccan city of Fes…

A sneaky picture this because people in Morocco don’t like having their picture taken. As we walked through the city Kim kept snapping away taking pictures of local people as they went about their business. She had to be quick however and mostly secretive about what she was doing.

This is something to do with being suspicious about having an image made of themselves and on most occasions when someone saw a camera pointed their way they would either turn away or wag a reproachful finger to say no.

It is a Challenge. Feel Free to Join in.

Monday Washing Lines – Fes in Morocco


Welcome to my latest theme. Monday Washing Lines.

This rooftop washing line I spotted in Fes in Morocco…

The clothes now wave that hang upon

the tired old line that stretches from

a leaning pole to a rusted hook

left here now for folk to look.

Every garment pegged and spaced

each shirt and sheet carefully placed

along the line the stockings run

until they dry in the scorching sun.


Monday Washing Lines – Frascati in Italy

Welcome to my latest theme. Monday Washing Lines.

This week I am back in Italy in the town of Frascati quite close to Rome.  I have chosen this washing line because I like the use of a single peg colour – the work of a professional pegger…

It is a Challenge. Do feel free to join in…